An injury caused to the brain since birth, symptoms can be similar to TBI and can vary in severity.
Encephalitis is a condition where the brain becomes inflamed (swollen) usually caused by infection. People can make a good recovery if treated quickly, but it can cause damage to brain cells and neurological symptoms.
Tumours (benign or cancerous) are a growth of cells that develop in the brain or spinal cord in an abnormal way and occupy space causing damage to healthy brain tissue or pressing on the spinal cord. Symptoms vary depending on the location, size and grade of tumour.
Hydrocephalus (acquired) usually develops after an illness or injury and is caused by a build-up of fluid (CSF) on the brain. The excess fluid applies pressure on the brain which can cause damage.
Meningitis is an infection causing inflammation to the lining of the brain and can cause brain damage.
Brain damage can occur if the supply of oxygen to the brain is insufficient or completely deprived of oxygen (Hypoxic / Anoxia). This can be from a multitude of causes e.g. cardiac arrest, suffocation, drug overdose etc.